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According to a 2022 study from Lina AI, 92 % of HR professionals are familiar with artificial intelligence automation in onboarding processes. An interesting statistic, given the fact that a report from Talmundo shows that HR practitioners see technology as the missing piece in their onboarding arsenal, with 68 % of them planning on using it in the near future.
The Talmundo report also found that organizations with a formal onboarding process have a 50 % higher retention of new hires than those without. And when certain onboarding tasks are automated, there's an additional 16 % increase in retention. Presumably because new hires have been the option to get those to those tasks when it suits them best.
And HR can spend their time on other things, like managing the offline part of the onboarding process. But how much of a new hire's onboarding experience is determined by the presence of AI and automation in the process? Is this really a determining factor or are there other elements, such as the presence of the hiring manager, the time it takes to get an answer from HR and IT whenever new hires encounter an issue, and giving people clarity on their role?