HR Debatable

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The debate show voicing the unpopular opinions on hot HR topics - topics that you wish you had or dared to say.
Brought to you by Cegid, HCM powerhouse, and hosted by fantastic Neelie Verlinden, HR Influencer and Future of Work Expert. In each episode, 2 different HR experts share their view on somewhat disputed statements.

Get ready for some lively debates ! A brand new episode will be released every 2 weeks.

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📺 All Videos You can find the latest videos here

In each episode we debate on 3 different statements, you can watch the recording of the debates in these videos. 

Would you rather like to listen to the full episode in audio version? Go to the audio version here.

Want to know more about Cegid for HR?

🎧 All podcast episodes Listen to the audio on Spotify

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Are you an HR expert who's not afraid to speak their mind and would you like to be part of HR Debatable? Let us know and maybe you'll be our next guest!