The Covid revolution has come and gone. There is the world of before, and the world of after which remains to be invented.
The evolution of our ways of working (hybrid work) requires us to change the way we operate and organise our activities.
In this context, Cegid is launching a support initiative in which we would like you to be involved.
Therefore, we invite you, in your capacity as an employee, to take part in a 1.5-hour workshop (via Teams) between 18 and 24 November to help define, build and implement our future practices in hybrid mode.
This workshop will be led by the consulting firm Wavestone.
Each workshop should provide an opportunity to go beyond the subjective perceptions of each other and to initiate commitment so that each employee is mobilised over time to embody our operating methods.
These workshops should make it possible to build proposals for common practices, applicable in France and internationally, around a new way of understanding the organisation of work.
A guide of best practices to be retained and implemented will be produced at the end of these workshops.
A number of managers are also involved in a similar process with a view to producing a dedicated guide for managers.
Please register on one of the proposed sessions.
Pascal Guillemin
(Votre mot de passe Cegid vous sera demandé pour vous inscrire)
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.
Nov 18, 2021
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Cegid New ways of working #2
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.
Nov 19, 2021
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Cegid New ways of working #3
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.
Nov 19, 2021
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Cegid New ways of working #4
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.
Nov 22, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Cegid New ways of working #5
Echanges interactifs entre collaborateurs, animés par le cabinet Wavestone : Ecouter et partager, s’inspirer mutuellement, définir de bonnes pratiques.
Nov 22, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Cegid New ways of working #6
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.
Nov 23, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Cegid New ways of working #7 - English session
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.
Nov 24, 2021
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Cegid New ways of working #8
Interactive exchanges between collaborators, led by Wavestone: Listen and share, inspire each other, define good practices.