Product Day 2022

We are delighted to invite you to spend an interactive and informative hour, during which we will celebrate together your successes and pride in 2021. It will also be an opportunity to share with you the Product Delivery vision by 2026, starting with the projects that will take place in 2022.

And to go even further, we will have the chance to continue the exchange during several workshops lasting until April 6, and the first one starts just after the plenary!

Your attendance is mandatory. Please register for the plenary session and select the workshops you are interested in.

On the Agenda

The plenary session
April 5th 2022, from 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM

French session with simultaneous translation into English and Spanish.

4.00 PM - 4.10 PM
Your successes and pride 2021

4.10 PM - 4.20 PM
 Forward 2026 for our products

4.20 PM - 4.55 PM
Projects 2022

4.55 PM - 5.00 PM
Conclusion and workshops introduction

The workshops
April 5 and 6, 2022

Register now for the workshops, and have a fun and interactive time. These sessions will take place on Teams. Discover the program:

English sessions 
05/04/22, 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM : Devops or not Devops?
06/04/22, 3.30 PM - 4.15 PM : Is Data good for us?
06/04/22, 4.30 PM - 5.15 PM : Self assistance in product
06/04/22, 5.30 PM - 6.15 PM : Nirvana, dream or reality?

French sessions
06/04/22, 9.00 AM - 9.45 AM : Is Data good for us?
06/04/22, 10.00 AM - 10.45 AM: Self assistance in product
06/04/22, 11.00 AM - 11.45 AM : Nirvana, dream or reality?
06/04/22, 12.00 PM - 12.45 PM : Devops or not Devops?

Forward 2026

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