Cegid Connections . Retail 2022

Cegid Connections Retail 2022Cegid Connections Retail 2022

Cegid Connections Retail 2022Relive the best moments!

How can you better sell and serve your customers, and manage your activities with more agility and efficiency in this new era of retail? These were the topics discussed at Cegid Connections Retail 2022, which took place over two days in Monaco. 
500+ professionals from the retail sector attended several plenary sessions and workshops and benefited from several client testimonials. Two days of fun and good vibes, perfect for sharing... 

To live or relive the highlights of the conference, click here!

Best Of

In 1 minute discover the images of the event and (re)experience the highlights!

Exceptional plenary sessions

You could not attend the opening and closing plenary sessions or you would like to listen to some of the interventions again? 
Click on the links below to view the replays!
  • Opening plenary session: Retail trends as seen by the Hub Institute, testimonials from retailers such as Balibaris with Cegid Retail Live Store and Celine and Miniso France with Cegid Retail Inventory Tracking, Acquisition of StorIQ... 
  • Closing keynote: Agility, cyber security & Cloud with interventions from Microsoft, Oracle and Sud Express, and exploration of the Metaverse with the expert from DarkPlanning.

The best photos

Plenary sessions, experience areas, workshops, beach party and gala dinner... Nothing escaped our team of photographers !

The experience areas

Plenary sessions & workshops

Beach Party & Awards

Gala dinner

Photocall - Set a new pace!


Many videos were shown during the 2 days. Take a few minutes to (re)watch them and show them to your teams and colleagues!