Cegid Connections Retail 2024

WS#7 (EN) - Cybersecurity in Retail: Protecting against threats

Jun 20, 2024 | 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Meeting room Bernini 2


Retailers are a prime target for cyber-attacks: 24% of them are aimed at retailers, a higher figure than in any other sector! Data breaches are among the most frequent threats. Not surprisingly, retailers hold a wealth of sensitive data: a goldmine for cybercriminals! Don't miss this workshop, a must for all CIOs, which will help you understand how to protect yourself against these threats using Cegid Retail's SaaS architecture and a range of security measures such as firewalls, encryption and access control. In collaboration with our partner Microsoft, discover how generative AI can help to reduce the risks associated with cyber-attacks, by detecting malicious agents that infiltrate organisations' information systems. With contributions and sharing of best practices from retailers and our partner Microsoft.