Cegid Connections . Retail 2022


Cegid Connections Retail 2022 offers you a number of spaces to explore, innovate and open up the possibilities! Explore the potential of your data in the Cegid Data Lab, discover new technologies and applications in the Cegid Innovation Store, and meet your current or future partners in the Start Up area and the Partner Village - all in one place!

Partner Village 

Let us guide you through a journey of innovations around 'unified commerce'. All our expert partners will be present and will share their expertise with you to accelerate the success of your digital transformation.

Cegid Innovation Store

This is a must for Cegid Connections Retail! A unique, innovative and "experiential" venue, you will experience the new omnichannel customer paths and the new roles of your stores and salespeople.

Cegid Retail Club

 Cegid Retail Club is an association under the French law of 1901 and is the spokesperson for the interests of its users. Your Club will have a dedicated space on site, ready to welcome you.

Data Hub & Start Up

Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis): partim fugiendas esse nimias amicitias, ne necesse sit unum sollicitum